Why is my social trading account not replicating the actions of the providers?

1 min. readlast update: 12.19.2023

If you are a follower of a social trading account and you find that your account is not replicating the actions of the providers, there are several reasons why this could be the case.

First, you should check your risk management settings to make sure they are properly configured. If the settings are not set up correctly, the system may not replicate the trades of the providers. 

Second, if you have not activated the subscription to the provider, the system will not be able to replicate their trades. Make sure you have activated the subscription and that it is still active. 

Third, if the subscription has been suspended, the system will not be able to replicate the trades of the providers. Make sure the subscription is still active and that you have not been blocked from the system. 

Finally, if you do not have enough money in the account, the system will not be able to replicate the trades of the providers. Make sure you have enough money in the account to cover the trades. 

By taking these steps, you should be able to ensure that your social trading account is replicating the actions of the providers.

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