Why hasn't my deposit been credited to my account yet?

1 min. readlast update: 12.12.2023

Deposits and withdrawals are accessible around the clock, seven days a week. Nonetheless, there might be instances where a deposit does not show up instantly. This delay could be attributed to various factors, including, but not limited to, inherent constraints of the selected payment method. 

 Follow the steps below to ensure the processing of your deposit:

A. Check Transaction History
  1. Log in to your Client portal.
  2. Navigate to Trader's Menu > Funds > Transaction History.
  3. Utilize the type filter to choose "deposit."
  4. Identify the transaction; details such as the deposit creation time, payment method, status, and deposited amount are displayed.
  5. Clicking on the transaction will provide additional details, offering insights into how your deposit is being processed.
B. Refer to our website for estimated processing times or explore more information on payment methods.

If your deposit surpasses the designated processing time, reach out to Trading Pro Support with the following details:

  1. Confirmation of your deposit (e.g., a screenshot of bank statements showing the deducted funds).
  2. Date of deposit.
  3. Amount and payment method. 
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