Is it possible for me to cancel my withdrawal request?

1 min. readlast update: 12.19.2023

You have the option to cancel your withdrawal if its status is still pending. This means that the request has been made, but it has not yet been approved or processed by the system. During this time, you can change your mind and decide not to proceed with the withdrawal.

However, once your withdrawal request has been approved by the system, you cannot proceed with the cancellation. At this point, the process of transferring the funds from your account to the designated recipient has already begun. The system has verified and authorized the transaction, making it impossible to reverse.

In conclusion, canceling a withdrawal request is possible, but only if its status is still pending. Once the system approves the withdrawal, it becomes irreversible. Therefore, it is essential to carefully consider your decisions before initiating a withdrawal and to stay informed about the status of your requests.

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